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The Laws of the Universe and Laws of Life and how to observe them in order to live a better abundant life and achieve your dreams.


Course Description

The Laws of the Universe are immutable principles that govern the arrangement of the Universe and the processes of manifestation, creation, operation and comprehension of the Universe.

Just like physical laws like the laws of gravity, the laws of the universe were not invented but rather discovered by different humans through their observations and experiences of happenings in the universe. Note that even Isaac Newton did not create but discovered the law of gravity.

You have to understand that these universal laws are always at work, whether you are aware of them or not. Therefore, not knowing or understanding them puts you at a disadvantage in life.

These laws of the universe are sort of like the rules of the game of life, so to speak. If you want to win the game, you must first learn the rules. Just imagine going in a game or football, porker, tennis etc without knowing the rules! You will unlikely win. Knowing and understanding the rules puts you at a much better advantage.

There is no doubt that understanding the laws of the universe helps you to not only survive but thrive in the universe.

Before you dive into that increasingly popular belief that to receive everything we want in life, all we must do is want it and visualize it, focus our thoughts on it and then achieve, it is important to know other laws other than focusing on this law of Attraction. There are 12 Laws of The Universe that are universally accepted to be true.

Understanding only one law does not help you to maximize your power to manifest what you need. For example, while the Law of Attraction makes us believe that we’re all responsible for literally everything that comes into our life (because we are attracting it) there are other laws like polarity that show opposites attract.

Effective manifestation involves understanding that the Universe will do whatever it takes for you to grow and evolve, even if that means forcing you to look at your deepest fears and insecurities or face challenging difficulties. The more you understand the 12 Universal Laws, the more supported you feel — and the better of a manifestor you become.

We have created this course to help you best understand the laws of the universe and the laws of life so you are better guided on how to win and live a better life.

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Course Reviews


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  1. Great Empowering information

    It is ideal for everyone wishing to be successful to understand the laws of the universe and laws of nature that have been well presented here

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